Sunday, June 25, 2023

Beetroot Easy Drawing


Learn How to draw Beetroot Easy Drawing in Step by Step. In Beetroot Drawing, First draw the Beetroot and then draw the roots of the Beetroot. Draw the stem and leaves of the Beetroot. Color the Beetroot with Beetroot red. Color the stem with Beetroot red and leaves with green.

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Saturday, June 24, 2023

Tomato Easy Drawing


Learn How to draw Tomato Easy Drawing in Step by Step. In Tomato Drawing, First draw the round shape and then draw the peduncle, sepal and calyx. Color the Tomato outer skin with red color and Peduncle, sepal, calyx with green color.

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Preposition of Source


Learn about Preposition of Source. The Preposition is a word that typically indicates the relationship between a noun or a pronoun and other words in a sentence. A Preposition of Source indicates where something or someone comes from. Example for Preposition of Source : by, from.

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Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Preposition of Measure


Learn about Preposition of Measure. The Preposition is a word that typically indicates the relationship between a noun or a pronoun and other words in a sentence. A Preposition of Measure that expresses the measurements, dimensions or amount of something. The Preposition of Measure indicates the relationship between the quantity and the object being measured. Example for Preposition of Measure : of, about.

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Preposition of Agent and Instrument


Learn about Preposition of Agent and Instrument. The Preposition is a word that typically indicates the relationship between a noun or a pronoun and other words in a sentence. The Preposition of Agent and Instrument describes the doer of the action or used to perform an action. Example for Preposition of Agent and Instrument : by, with.

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Preposition of Manner


Learn about Preposition of Manner. A Preposition is a word that typically indicates the relationship between a noun or a pronoun and other words in a sentence. The Preposition of Manner describes the manner in which an action is performed. It is not as commonly used preposition. Example for Preposition of Manner : by, on, in, with, like, as. 

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Preposition of Direction


Learn about Preposition of Place. A Preposition is a word that typically indicates the relationship between a noun or a pronoun and other words in a sentence. A Preposition of Direction express movement or direction of something or someone is going. Example for Preposition of Direction : to, from, into, out of, onto, off, towards, away from, along, past.

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